
Qualified in Social Education. She is studying and practising the science of yoga as a way of life. She follows the "Gurukula" system in India, living in a spiritual community. She develops projects connecting the tools she learned in social education, environmental education and the science of yoga. Thus, she walks along with people assisting them in their personal development, emphasising the importance of living a harmonious life, in peace and contentment.

Creación y dirección del proyecto. Planificación y ejecución de actividades en los peregrinajes

"Que los hijos de Amma se conviertan en mensajeros de paz y amor en la tierra"


Qualified in Social Education, she starts walking on the path of Yoga at an early age. During this discovery, she travels many times between Spain and India to meet different teachers. In 2015, she discovers her passion for Ashtanga Yoga, and thanks to that she can manifest her vocation: to guide people in their inner search.

Administration and secretary. Planning and executing activities during the pilgrimage.

"Yoga is the process of simplifying the mind"


She studied design and worked as an interior designer and graphic designer. She slowly moves away from computers to work with people through hippotherapy and music therapy. Her spiritual quest moulds her life leading her to focus on meditation, service, and on doing long journeys where she meets great beings and learns from them.

Diseño e imagen. Planificación y ejecución de actividades en los peregrinajes

"May all beings be happy, free, and live in peace"


She has a very rich career as a director in marketing, communication and public relations, both in public and private sectors. She creates her own housing restoration business until she decides to focus exclusively in the fields dedicated to health, therapies, and spiritual and consciousness growth.

HR Communication and Marketing

"The love you experience is proportional to the love you give"

Love for truth and a genuine desire to know herself will lead her to be interested in different philosophies since very young. Using meditation as a daily practice, she combines the path of devotion and knowledge. Curiosity, a passion for traveling, a true aspiration for freedom and self knowledge will move her to document and share her travels and experiences as an inspiration for other beings.

Director artístico del documental

“Donde hay dharma no hay karma”

And many more Star Walkers that even though are not able to realize the pilgrimage with their feet, they can do it with their heart...

Paloma desde México, encargándose del diseño de contenido para redes sociales; como comunity manager tenemos a Suryasrhee en Málaga; Cande, preparing any material that is needed from Argentina... From India, Bhavya doing all the translation work, Carlos improving the web and from Venezuela, Nehiger giving the finishing touches...

To all of them and for those who may come...

