Unidas por el propósito de vivir en paz, en consciencia, y en amor en la Tierra.



Creemos en la unión de proyectos y personas en que nuestras share intentions, knowledge, resources and needs, can contribute, potenciándonos mutuamente y contribuyendo en la expansion of love and consciousness.

Si tienes una historia que contarnos y crees que podemos compartir y colaborar, no dudes en contactar con nosotras. Muchísimas gracias.


En el 2021, Caminantes de Estrellas colaboró con esta entidad para promover la erradicación del sinhogarismo and promote equal opportunities. Stefano, una personas sin hogar dentro del programa Help, participó en el peregrinaje,  walking with us. Caminantes de Estrellas, becó su estancia durante el Camino Primitivo, posibilitándole vivir una experiencia única y enriquecedora tanto para él, como para todo el grupo de caminantes.

Este año, queremos que otro usuario, venga a caminar la ruta portuguesa, nutriéndose de una experiencia profunda y empoderadora. 

Homeless Entrepreneur's mission is to promote economic empowerment and poverty reduction through work and active citizenship, so that people living in social exclusion can improve their quality of life.To this end, they have developed the HELP program as a pathway to support independence, encouraging employment opportunities and business activities. They are turning, in times of covid, inactive tourist hostels in homes with the housing program #HomelessHostelsWork. They have created a telephone helpline, connecting homeless or people at risk, with the available resources to prevent and reduce homelessness; the Homeless Voices program with which using photos and short clips, los homeless entrepreneurs pueden introduce themselves to the world. You can visit their website* to learn in detail about their work and how they are helping to improve the lives of many people.


Alex Hohmann and La Bici is Bella - " the bike is beautiful" pedal for solidarity and social justice. 1500km para Payasos en Rebeldía, 1500km para Stop Mare Mortum, 1700km para Open Arms. Esta community of cycle travelers uses their bicycle trips to support and raise awareness of various organizations.Through donations, they convert the kilometers traveled into euros for social causes..

En su último reto comunitario para Bicicletas Sin Fronteras*, Caminantes de Estrellas colaboró difundiendo el reto y aportando su granito de arena para fomentar la educación, el desarrollo y la integración de los más desfavorecidos. La Bici es Bella recorrió entre varias personas más de 10.000 kilómetros to transform them into 10,000 euros and thus be able to provide bicycles to the students of the Loul Sessene School,in Senegal.. Caminantes de Estrellas hizo también su aportación para cumplir este sueño, que ya es una realidad.

Bicicletas Sin Fronteras is an organization that works to improve the quality of life of people who are in less-favored situations using the bicycle as a tool of integration and equal opportunitiesUnder the slogan: "We don't give bikes, we change lives" they want to combat school absenteeismas well as bring more happiness, more future and more opportunities to the children who receive the bikes. They also benefit from getting more time to study, play and grow. We believe and are partakers of alchemy that transforms small actions into great opportunities.

Abrazo cultural - "Cultural Embrace"

They are a non-profit organization that promotes interculturality. They encourage the inclusive encounter between people, through learning and social empowerment. They bring together cultures from around the world through the vision of the refugees and immigrants who share their knowledge and talents by teaching language courses, interculturalism and cultural workshops (dance, music, poetry, gastronomy and crafts) from different countries.

Abrazo cultural nos ofreció un taller sobre interculturalidad para que todos los Caminantes de Estrellas conociéramos su proyecto aprendiendo una new skill, discovering a new culture and supporting refugees' cause while exchanging experiences with them and people with the same values.

The project was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 2014, and they started their mission in Spain in October 2017 to break down prejudices and stereotypes: changing the narrative regarding refugees and immigrants and building an building an education based on empathy and interculturality. Egypt, Mali, Syria, Honduras, Palestine, Ukraine, Venezuela... are some of the countries of origin of their teachers; and from there they bring their talents, new cultures and visions to share transforming experiences with whoever feels interest and curiosity of this different, new and unknown places.

Get to know all their courses, workshops and teachers by visiting www.abrazocultural.com*

Let's embrace multiculturalism!


It is an environmental, social and sustainable rural development project.Its mission is biodiversity conservation, environmental protection and education to raise awareness. They support young entrepreneurs in rural areas and promote social inclusion with the collaboration of ATADI (Turolense Grouping of Associations of People with Intellectual Disabilities).

Caminantes de Estrellas collaborates with them, excited by this initiative that offers comprehensive solutions to territorial, environmental and social problems.

In the village of Oliete, province of Teruel, where everyone saw old and unproductive olive treesthey saw the engine of well-being and economic development that their population needed to survive. Thus emerges apadrinaunolivo.org- "Sponsor an Olive Tree" , a platform that recovers and values the more than 100,000 abandoned olive trees, thanks to the solidarity of the society, in turn generating a sustainable economy with social tones in a rural area in the way of disappearing. Enter its website to know its beautiful work.


The goal of Nikarit, the natural cosmetics social enterprise is to empower women by promoting fair and sustainable trade of pure Shea butter. All their products are produced by five women's cooperatives in Nikki (Benin, África) and they invest 100% of their profits into projects for OAN International NGO..

Unimos fuerzas para que una nueva economía sea posible, para dar a conocer este maravilloso producto con el que se están desarrollando proyectos tan bellos y necesarios. Durante el camino tuvimos el privilegio de hidratar nuestros pies y nuestra piel con esta manteca de karité. Y tras caminar 1.200 km comprobamos su eficacia. 

They develop projects such as: the installation of 150 water pumps supplying more than 80,000 neighbours in Nikki, 30 workers being trained and repairing them; more than 20 water purification biofilters installed with local materials and by local professionals; hand-woven bags to finance the Be sè Gonrou (Our Voices) project against gender violence and forced marriage; the Huertas project, collaborating with farmers' cooperatives and contributing to the food safety of the population; the project awarded by the Salvador Soler Foundation «Emancipation des Femmes» seeking the autonomy of women by creating microcredits and a solidarity group;"Né a Nikki"in collaboration with hospitals to train and bring awareness regarding pre- and post-natal important aspects; solar technology studies for the disinfection of surgical material... Learn more about their history and products at:


For a critical, supportive and committed spirit!



¿Te gustaría participar activamente en un peregrinaje and offer your gifts, talents and knowledge con el grupo de caminantes?


Or if any of the caminos pasa por donde vives o cerca, and you want to contribute materials, spaces, ideas, etc, collaborating so that this project is nourished by the cultural richness of each territory

All proposal are welcome! Concretamos las etapas y paradas teniendo en cuenta a las personas y colectivos que quieren cooperar con nosotros.

En el 2021, Georgia Wyss, nos compartió su documental Mantra: Sounds into silence, haciendo una proyección en Santiago de Compostela. Vero, del Miratu project en la provincia de Lugo, nos ofreció su maravillosa casa para pernoctar y hacer actividades. Nos quedamos dos días y aprovechamos para experimentar la espiritualidad sufí y el repoblamiento rural. Ravi Ram, nos acompañó dos días en Santiago de Compostela, compartiendo su película documental sobre el Camino de Santiago, un kirtan y un viaje sonoro




¿Quieres ayudarnos a difundir el proyecto de Caminantes de Estrellas? Conviértete en padrino o madrina y haz que el mensaje llegue a más gente

Ellos fueron nuestras madrinas y padrinos en la Constelación Jacobeo 2021:


Financiando uno de los caminos, u ofreciendo tus productos y servicios.

You can also fund registrations of scholarship places to students or people with low income.

Patrocinadores Constelación Jacobeo 2021:
